SGC - Shefa Group of Companies
SGC stands for Shefa Group of Companies
Here you will find, what does SGC stand for in Mining under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shefa Group of Companies? Shefa Group of Companies can be abbreviated as SGC What does SGC stand for? SGC stands for Shefa Group of Companies. What does Shefa Group of Companies mean?The South Africa based company is located in Pretoria, Gauteng engaged in mining & metals industry.
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Alternative definitions of SGC
- Server Gated Cryptography
- Sportscard Guarantee Corporation
- Server Gated Cryptography
- Surveyor Of Green County
- Salivary gland carcinoma
- Supreme Grand Champion
- Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase
- Star Gate Command
View 188 other definitions of SGC on the main acronym page
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- SEGC Skyline Exhibits Greater Cincinnati
- SEOTL SEO Technologies LLC
- SL The Script Lab
- SRES Skyline Real Estate Services
- SHES Sunny Hill Elementary School
- S4E Search 4 Excellence
- SPFAPL Stainless Pipe and Fittings Australia Pty Ltd
- SJAS Saint Joan of Arc School
- SE The Stadium Events
- SCAT The Scott Center for Autism Treatment
- SFWF Seed Food and Wine Festival
- SPR Southern Pro Restoration
- SALR Schultz Auctioneers Landmark Realty
- SIS Simpatico Intelligent Systems
- SUD Site Urban Development